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And we're off!

Yesterday we held our first rehearsal for our spring play 'One Flew over the Cuckoo's Nest'. It went really well and we are very exited indeed.

To keep up to date with all we are doing and the progress that we are making, keep your eyes pealed and your ears to the ground!

The full company

It's going to be a good year with our two productions and certainly a busy one for WADAOS, no matter though we like it that way. At the first rehearsal last night the full company did a read through of the entire play, it's a good idea to do this so that everyone gets the bigger picture.

Read through

Tickets for ' One flew over the Cuckoo's Nest 2024' are on the Rosehill Theatre box-office and online.


Remember the performance dates are the 20th to 23rd March this year, don't miss it!

(This play is not for Children so please bear this in mind when booking).

In case you missed it, our amazing cast are:




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